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Privacy Policy
Edwards Essences is a reputable business and fully understands that protecting the privacy of our customers and persons viewing this website is a paramount consideration and fundamental in building a relationship.
This policy describes the way that we collect, hold and disclose information about individuals. We act in accordance with the Privacy Act and the National Privacy Principles. This policy may be varied from time to time.
We shall not disclose your personal information except with your consent, or as obliged by law, or as provided by this policy.
What kinds of personal information could we hold?
We could hold personal information but only if it is willingly and knowingly submitted to us, such as:
contact information - your name, address, email address.
your interest in a particular property or item.
information about your dealings with us.
How would we use and when would we disclose your information?
We would use your personal information for the purpose for which it is collected and other obvious related purposes such as:
providing services to you and improving those services.
managing our relationship with you e.g. using your email to contact you in future.
provide you with information about properties or services that may interest you.
fulfill our legal requirements and facilitate our internal business procedures with your consent.
We do not sell your information to third parties or allow others to use it, we treat it as confidential.Integrity of information
We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information is accurate and shall delete or amend, as appropriate, any information which is identified as inaccurate.
You may request access to the personal information that we hold about you. We may charge to cover our expenses in providing such information. We reserve our right to refuse access having regard to the National Privacy Principles.
Information Security
We take reasonable security measures to protect your personal informational from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. It is stored in encrypted electronic data bases requiring logins and passwords. Our employees and contractors having access to the databases are subject to confidentiality obligations.
If you have a privacy concerns or query please contact us using our contact form here: Contact Us
Further Privacy Information
For more information about privacy issues in Australia and protecting your privacy, visit the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner's website http://www.privacy.gov.au/